Happy Blogiversary Writers’ Rumpus!

cupcake with candle

Writers’ Rumpus launched one year ago today[1] with our first post, making today our one-year Blogiversary.[2] Thanks for being with us on our writing and illustrating journey!

The first year is bound to be full of milestones, and ours surely has been. Here are a few statistics about our blogging journey so far.

Over the past year:

  • Readers in 111 different countries
  • viewed 99 blog posts …
  • by 13 Rumpus Writers (members of the critique group)…
  • and 5 guests
  • a total of 23,126 times,[3]
  • and left 1,148 comments [4]
  • Of those readers, 891 are followers who subscribe to the blog through WordPress, email, Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr.

Next, here are a few milestones from our personal writing and illustrating journeys.

Over the past year:

  • 30 group members (writers and illustrators) completed a total of 750 critiques of each others’ work.[5]
  • 4 writers (Paul, Alison, Kirsti, and Joyce) published 5 books and 2 novel excerpts.
  • 3 writers (Jen, Paul, and Carol) have 6 more books that will publish over the next twelve months.
  • 1 writer (Marianne) signed with an amazing agent.

Now back to the blog. When we first started, one main goal was “to have a place to share news of note, both among our members and with the wider community of everyone who’s interested in children’s publishing.” Honestly, I imagined that our news of note would mainly be of interest to our group members. I had no idea how wide that wider community would be. But then this happened:

World Map for Writers' Rumpus
WordPress map of countries with Writers’ Rumpus views during the blog’s first year.

Seasoned bloggers might not be surprised, but I was new to blogging. I had no idea that our blog might go international! Thanks to blogging, I’ve met writers online from all over the United States and all over the world.[6] I’m honored and a little humbled that so many people from so many places have found our blog worth visiting.

And we’d like to KEEP our blog worth visiting. So here are a few questions for you, dear readers from near and far: What topics would you like to see us blog about in the coming year? Do you have a favorite post from the past year? A favorite topic you like to read about? Let us know in the comments section, and thanks for reading Writers’ Rumpus![7]


[1] Well okay, technically it’s tomorrow, June 11. But we post Tuesday and Friday, and today’s Tuesday.

[2] The word nerd in me wonders if it should instead be called an anniblogary, because anni is the Latin root for year. So anniblogary means year blog. But that neglects the Latin root verse which is for vertere, meaning to turn. So blogiversary would be blog turn—which honors a change of some kind but doesn’t specify what. Either way we’ve lost a Latin root from anniversary. But hey, everybody know what a bus is even though the word is nothing but a little Latin ending lopped off the full word omnibus. Which only goes to show that language is always evolving, and as long as people know what you’re talking about, it’s fine. So, raise a glass (of milk—we write for kids) for linguistic evolution, and Happy Blogiversary.

[3] I’m not sure whether all of those views and visits were real people. Akismet, the spam filter WordPress offers its users, also caught 76,899 spam comments, and I don’t know enough about Akismet to say whether visits by spambots count as blog views.

[4] Some of the “spam” comments may have been real comments. If your comment was one of them, please accept our apologies for deleting it, and please do keep reading and commenting. Unless you really are a spambot. In which case, please don’t. Other kinds of bots are welcome to comment. We have nothing against artificial intelligence, per se.

[5] We don’t keep stats on how many words we write or sketches we draw, but I’m sure the numbers are astronomically impressive.

[6] I have a sneaking suspicion that if WordPress tracked views from Antarctica, then we’d have views from there, too. (How about it, WordPress? If Pottermore can keep tabs on Antarctica, you can too.)

[7] You read all the footnotes? Really? Wow, thank you! Thank you! Now please remember to leave your thoughts about future blog posts in the comments section. Thanks!


  1. Congratulations on a year in blogging. I read the general posts since I don’t currently write for children. Do you think a group of writers blogging makes for more comments, followers, and likes? How did your group decide to do this? My writing group tried once but we got nowhere. Three of us currently blog but I don’t know if we’d be able to do it on one blog.


    1. Hi c2,We got started because there were several of us (myself included) who wanted to get started blogging and were worried about the time commitment of a single-person blog. As for activity (comment, followers, etc), I don’t keep a personal blog, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t get the traffic that WR does if it did. I think having a regular schedule for posting, and having one person being the keeper of the schedule, has helped us to thrive. Plus we are a big writing group, so lots of people to blog.


      1. Thanks. I think maybe our small size and how different we all are as people and writers might be one of the problems we had when we tried to set up a group blog three or four years ago. At that time, one of our members didn’t use anything but email.


      2. Yes, it helps that our group is big enough to include several net-savvy people. I got advice from others on the blog theme to use, how to register the domain, etc. Those who aren’t as comfortable with the online world haven’t blogged.


  2. Happy anniversary Marianne, out of all the blogs I follow and there are quite few I love reading Writers Rumpus. Always something different on offer and I will continue to look forward to many more posts thank you for making my little corner of the world brighter with your informative posts.


  3. Happy Blogiversary, Writers Rumpus! And Marianne- congrats for taking this idea and making it so much bigger than we (or at least, I) expected. Major kudos!!!!


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