Challenge Accepted

Happy December, everyone! Can you believe the year is almost over? If you’re like me, you are trying to live in the moment, with all of the holiday cheer, but secretly looking ahead and planning for an amazing 2019.

The new year brings us all a fresh start, a clean slate, a new beginning. It’s an opportunity to dream big and set lofty goals. As writers there’s always the standard, “I want to sign with an agent,” or “I want to sell a manuscript.” But I’m going to challenge you to set a different goal for 2019. One that could certainly help you achieve the others just mentioned, but focuses more on your growth as a writer. I challenge you…to learn to write a new genre.

what? meme

Learning to write a new genre will certainly push you outside of your comfort zone which is exactly how you are going to grow as a writer. I found myself stuck in a bit of a picture book rut this year and decided to take a class on writing chapter books. Learning the ins and outs of this new genre was exciting and fresh. It gave my writing new life and perspective. It was amazing! (Click here to find out more about the chapter book class!)

So how can YOU push yourself a little in the coming year? Do you only write fiction? Why not try a new nonfiction manuscript? Are you a picture book writer like myself? Consider learning to write longer works like chapter books or even middle grade. Contemporary writing your safe zone? Perhaps a little fantasy might add new excitement to your manuscripts.


Listen to the wise words on the Luna bar wrapper. Make 2019 your year to be a little uncomfortable with your writing and see how far it takes you.



  1. I’ve tried this with much success. I started out writing PBs and sold a few. When a dry spell hit, I gave two different genres a try. I’ve since sold a board book series as well as two nonfiction chapter books. Maybe someday I’ll get back to picture books! 🙂

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  2. This is a great idea, I’m already sort in the beginning of writing a different genre (still YA, but not my usual genre). It’s a little scary and I haven’t breathed a word of the story to anyone yet, that’s how nervous I am about it! It does make me feel both like this is a fun secret, and also gives me some freedom to totally screw it up and be less of a perfectionist.


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