Now the Real Work Begins

Today is going to be a short post because quite frankly I forgot I was supposed to post today. It has been a little busy these past few days due to visiting the in-laws during Labor Day, and preparing for my book release, which is today!


That’s right! My first picture book MONSTER NEEDS A COSTUME is finally, officially available today. I have to tell you today feels an awful lot like a normal Tuesday. No paparazzi waiting outside, Al Roker hasn’t called for an interview, (the number is in the book Al) and yes I still have to go to my day job. Of course this hasn’t diminished my excitement and feeling of accomplishment. But I can’t help but feel like an 8-year-old after his birthday. All I want to say is “that’s it?”

I’m going to take a page from a previous post and make a comparison to martial arts. I too have been studying the martial arts for some time, about 16 years, and I can honestly say the day your book is released is a lot like getting your black belt. There is time and dedication to both accomplishments and they both have this air of finality, this feeling of “I’ve done it, I have published a book” or “I am now a black belt.” The thing is, you’re not finished, not even close. When I received my black belt I will never forget my teacher telling me that all this means is that I am a serious student, and now the hard work and training can begin. It’s the same with publishing a book. Now that it’s out the real work begins: the marketing, the visits, the signings, and of course the writing.

Though, much like the day I received my black belt, I will revel in my accomplishment. I will pop a cork tonight, eat some cheese, and give a toast to Monster, because tomorrow is September 4th. What happens on September 4th you ask? Well, that’s the day after Monster’s debut. It’s the day when the real work begins.

Stay tuned! Writers’ Rumpus will be giving away one copy of MONSTER NEEDS A COSTUME signed by the author. Watch for details next Tuesday, September 10.

You can purchase Monster Needs A Costume at:



  1. Paul, I know exactly what you’re feeling and appreciate your honesty. There will be many ups and downs on this journey as an author. Revel in the joys and your wonderful accomplishments and be glad for all the little disappointments along the way. They will make that incredible highs that comes with having a book published so much sweeter.


  2. Congratulations on your great debut Paul. The television interview made you look like quite the pro and your publisher seems to be doing right by you. Now begins your career as an author! Happy Release Day!


  3. dude, don’t be such a bummer! what about your launch party? what about your television interview? what about teaching the course on rhyming at next year’s NESCBWI? What about the sequel (and its sequel? (and its sequel? (and its sequel?))).

    And if nothing else, for the rest of time, you are the guy who *created* a real fictional monster!


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