#Kidlit Interview with the talented picture book creator, Jyoti Rajan Gopal

CAROL GORDON EKSTER: Jyoti, it’s so wonderful to see your writing life bloom since our first interview. And since then, I’ve even gotten to meet you in person at a couple of book festivals, which was awesome! In our first interview you mention that your love of non-fiction really influenced what you write. Your newest book, DESERT QUEEN, illustrated by Svabhu Kohli and published by Levine Querido, came out in October. It is a gorgeously written and illustrated picture book biography. Your words dance on the page, almost moving like the subject of the book. I know there’s an author’s note in your back matter, but if you could tell us here about the inspiration for the book, I know our readers will love the story behind the story.

JYOTI RAJAN GOPAL: What a delight it was to get to meet you in-person, Carol – thank you to book festivals for connecting us in real life!   And thank you for having me on again.

Carol and Jyoti at the Chappaqua Children’s Book Festival, October ’23

DESERT QUEEN was inspired by a real-life encounter. In 2018, my parents were taking us on a tour of Rajasthan. One of the stops was the beautiful city of Jaisalmer. We were staying in the middle of the Thar Desert. It was a cold December night, and we were gathering at an outdoor theater for a New Year Eve’s show called the Queen Harish show. I had no idea what was in store for us. For the next two hours, this beautiful, charismatic woman dazzled us with her talent and her effervescence, and as I watched her captivate all of us, the genesis for the picture book was born.

CGE: Each of your books has been published by a different publisher. What are your feelings on this?  

JRG: I didn’t know this at the beginning of my writing career but as I worked with my agent, I learned that just because an editor/publisher buys one of my books, that didn’t necessarily mean they would want every book of mine.  I know, shocker!

I learned that publishers have lists they are looking to fill – stylistic preferences, topical preferences, and any number of other things they are juggling as they look to acquire manuscripts and balance out their list. I write in a variety of styles and on a range of topics and I realized that no one publisher or editor was going to acquire them all! If my agent thinks a manuscript is a good fit for an editor we’ve worked with, we send them an exclusive. But if they pass, then we move on and look for someone else to love it!

CGE: This is your third picture book. How have things changed for you since your first book came into the world?

JRG: It’s surreal to think that my first book only came out last June!  And because all three have come out in the last year and a half, it still feels like I’m on that debut journey. I have a little more understanding now about how much authors need to do to promote their own books to make them visible, but it’s daunting. I’m still trying to figure it out.

CGE: You recently received a very special honor. Can you tell us about it?

JRG: My second picture book, My Paati’s Saris, was shortlisted for the Neev Literary Award which aims to recognize outstanding writing that leads to a fuller understanding of India, Indian lives and Indian stories. My jaw literally dropped to the floor when I found out – to be recognized this way in India was just amazing to me.  I didn’t win (I was disappointed, I won’t deny it!) but I had the opportunity to spend time at the Literature Festival in Bangalore, share the story with so many people and meet amazing authors and illustrators – that was such a privilege, and so very, very exciting. Fun fact, the Festival put on a theater performance of Vikram Seth’s Beastly Tales with the Motley Crew, a very distinguished theater group. As special guests at the Festival, we authors had front row seats and I was within touching distance of one of my favorite actors, Naseeruddin Shah. He did not disappoint, his performance was amazing!

CGE: What do you think has been the tool, group, or person who has had the greatest impact on your writing success?

JRG: Being a part of the writing community has meant so much to me – attending conferences, workshops, webinars, learning from my peers and from industry professionals, all of it has helped me to learn my craft and grow as a writer. Lola Schaefer, author extraordinaire, was the first person (who was not my family or friend!) who made me believe that I had stories worth telling and guided me to the writing community. 12×12 Challenge was pivotal in my learning journey.  Bethany Hegedus at the Writing Barn, has been an amazing mentor, seeing qualities in me that I did not know I had. My critique partners ,who encouraged me and made my stories better. Ultimately, I had to believe in myself too and take the leap – I’m proud of myself for doing that!

CGE: What does the future hold for Jyoti Rajan Gopal?

JRG: Can I dream big?

NYT bestseller list!
Keynote speaker somewhere!
Lots and lots of school visits!
My books in every library and school not just in the US but everywhere.

Seriously though, I just hope that I keep writing stories that resonate. Sometimes, when my writing dries up, I worry that I have written my last story. But I have realized that there’s no point in worrying. Just accept that this is part of my process and go do other creative things. And hopefully, another story will come to me.

In the meantime, I have three picture books coming out next year:

One Sweet Song (Candlewick) illustrated by Sonia Sanchez, Jan 16, 2024

Sister Day (FSG) illustrated by Fanny Liem, July 16, 2024

Love is Here with You: A Lullaby of Blessings (Candlewick) Illustrated by Nabi Ali, Fall 2024

CGE: That’s amazing, Jyoti! You are an inspiration.

You can connect with Jyoti here:

Insta @jyotirgopal
X/Twitter @JyotiGopal
Blue Sky @jyotigopal.bsky.social
Website : jyotirajangopal.com


  1. Bravo, Jyoti! I listened to your wonderful story on Julie Hedland’s 12 x 12 Book Chat and was entranced. It is such a beautiful book and getting to hear the “story” of it! Wonderful.

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